
  1. no refunds once you pay. pay up front only. for payments over $50, you may pay half up front and the rest when the drawing is done.

  2. you can cancel at any time before you pay.

  3. i can decline any order for any reason.

  4. commissions are for personal use only. nothing made by me may be used for any blockchain or AI related technolgy, including NFTs, cryptocurrency, image generators, or any future inventions related to them. please contact me directly if you wish to hire me for commerical work.

  5. do not remove my signature from your commission. if you post your image, please credit me.

  6. i usually post finished comms on my social medias. if youd like to keep your order private, let me know and i wont post it

  7. commissions can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to finish. i will keep you updated if there is a delay.

  8. i will send you progress pictures periodically so that you can make any changes youd like to the drawing. i wont change anything once the drawing is in its final stages.

payment options

  • venmo

  • ko-fi

  • stripe

  • paypal

to order, please contact me on twitter, instagram, email ([email protected]) or discord (ohnunu#4069)

due to my limited time availability i will not be taking commissions in categories that are crossed out.

i will not draw irl people, mecha, furry, or intense gore and nsfw.
if youre not sure if ill draw what you want, please ask me!

stylebusthalf bodyfull bodybackgroundextra character
----add $30++100% each